Whole 9 Yards: Idioms, Etymology, & Origins
Whole 9 Yards is a weekly podcast that will simultaneously educate, astonish, and amuse. Listen while we share equivocal research about the origin of words, phrases, and idioms we use every day. From the team at Big Science Pods, we bring you the whole 9 yards, the entire kit and caboodle, the whole shebang of this quick, entertaining look at our language and the history therein. Learn why we call New York "The Big Apple," what "red-handed" REALLY means and why sometimes people are "happy as a clam." So, let's cut to the chase, if you jump on the bandwagon now, the first 100 subscribers will be entered to win a Big Science Snuggie. Have a question about an idiom? Wanna drop us a line because you think we’re funny... or, not? Think we’re mistaken about any information we’ve shared? Hit us up at heyyou@whole9yards.org. We’re waiting with bated breath!
Whole 9 Yards: Idioms, Etymology, & Origins
W9Y Puts the Kibosh On
Big Science Pods
Season 5
Episode 253
Episode 253: Jay & Ray deep-six some old idioms. -Encore
- deep-six
- kibosh
- eighty-six
Subscribe, review, and come find us on Twitter, Instagram, & FB.
Big Science Music is an award-winning original music and sound boutique. Providing scoring, sound design, radio, podcast, and all audio-post production services for the advertising, film, and video industries. Grab a taste of the groove salad at bigsciencemusic.com
some of the W9Y sources include phrase finder uk, word wizard forums, etymology online, the OED, American Dictionary of Idioms, Wiki, newspapers.com, stackexchange, worldwidewords.